Welcome Robert E Lee High 1967 Classmates!
If this is your first visit, read below to see how to get started. Make your profile page and personalize it by adding pictures, YouTube Videos, and Playlists. Discover how to do it all right on this page!
As time goes on, please remember to keep your profile up-to-date with current contact information, and enjoy using this site as a portal to reconnect with old friends between graduating years. Click on a link below.
Can I join the site even if I don’t plan to attend the reunion?
Married Couples - Sharing the same email address for login
Don't let our emails go into your junk folder
Trouble with email and password login
Change of email or snail mail address
How to upload pictures to your profile
How to delete a photo from your profile
How to put a YouTube video on your profile page
How to put a playlist on your profile page
Flash Player not supported on 64-bit operating systems
What Screen Resolution is recommended for Instant Messaging?
Changing your Instant Message status
Can I turn off my Instant Messaging (IM) feature temporarily?
Can I start more than ONE (1) Private Chat?
Will IM work on my IPhone or SmartPhone?
How do I get verified? When you register and save your Classmate profile, an email alert is sent to the site administrator. As soon as the administrator receives it, they may send you an email with several questions for you to select from to validate that you were in fact a member of Great Bend High School. If you do not know the answers to any of them, do not fret, but simply send them back a message that you do not know the answer. They will have several more questions that they can send back as alternate questions. After you reply with the correct information, they will then verify your account and notify you via email of your activation into the system. If all else fails, someone will call you to verify your account.
Why do I need to be verified? We want a website home where people feel more comfortable participating without fear of search engines accessing their information or 'trollers' pretending that they are a classmate when in fact they are not - which does happen on some of the other sites. So, although this may be somewhat time consuming or cause a bit of a delay, our hope is you will see the value in it for us all of us.
Can I join the site even if I don't plan attend the reunion? Yes. Even if you do not plan to attend the reunion, it is hoped that there are old friends on this site that you would like to reconnect to and for that purpose you can still join the site.
Married Couples - Sharing the same email address for login: Married couples who share the same email address: Make sure you each have unique passwords for your logins. This is how the website differentiates you.
GETTING STARTED: Please take a few minutes of your time to create your Classmate Profile. Click the Classmate Profiles tab in the top left navigation. You will be taken to a listing of the GBHS class of 1975. Click on your name and follow the instructions to create your login. If you cannot find your name on the Classmate Profiles page, please use the Contact Us page to have your name added. Once you create a profile, you will also be able to see the profiles of your fellow classmates and interact with them. You don't have to finish your profile all at once. Come back whenever you want to add to or update your information, or add more photos.
DON'T LET OUR EMAILS GO INTO YOUR JUNK FOLDER: Please add (or allow) the following email address to your "Safe Senders" list so that your spam blocker will allow emails notifications from this website: noreply@Classcreator.net
FORGOTTEN PASSWORD: If you forget your password, just click on the "Forgot Password?" retrieval feature under the login feature, and it will be emailed to you.
WHAT IS "REMEMBER ME"?: If you click "Remember Me" when you log in, you will not need to log in next time you go to the site. You can log in from computers other than your home computer but you will need to enter your password.
TROUBLE WITH EMAIL AND PASSWORD LOG IN: Your computer is not retaining cookies. A cookie is a little piece of data stored on your hard drive and is used by Class Creator to maintain the login system. Although cookie problems are rare, when they do occur you have several resolutions. Try any of the following:
Aren't cookies bad? Answer: No. The "cookie scare" of the late 1990s was largely based on misconceptions that cookies stored on your computer's hard drive somehow violated privacy. Erroneous information regarding cookies has long since been corrected, and cookies are a common programming practice used today by some of the Internet's largest websites. There is nothing that our website does with cookies that will in any way jeopardize your privacy, store personal information about you, or submit your personal information to other websites.
CHANGE OF EMAIL OR SNAIL MAIL ADDRESS: Please change your contact information when you get a new internet provider or move ... we don't want to lose you. We keep our Class List current by downloading your contact information from this website.
Homepage: This is where the main information and announcements are made. Your admins will email you when there is a new Survey or new Poll. Please participate.
Questions: Just click on the "Contact Us" button and we'll reply within 24 hours if at all possible.
How to upload pictures to your profile:
Shortcut for multiple pictures: If you are uploading several pictures that are in different folders, you can copy them to your desktop, then delete them later. Make sure you COPY, not move, your pictures, so you won’t delete the originals.
How to delete a photo from your profile:
If you are still having problems, please Contact Us.
How to put a YouTube video on your profile page:
(Please note that if you know html, you can add videos and photos to any part of your profile page.)
On the YouTube website, make sure your video is showing in the play box.
Example: you want to put "Graduation Day By The Four Freshmen" video on your site. (If you want to follow along, the URL is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOVOllNHSis.)
To the right of the video you’ll see a gray box, and near the bottom of this box is the grayed word “Embed.” To the right of "Embed" is a horizontal white box that contains the code for the video. When this code is placed in the Video box on your Edit Profile page, the video player with your video will appear and classmates can view it from your page.
Here are the steps to get the code on your page:
How to put a playlist on your profile page:
The Playlist will also be placed in your Playlist box on your Edit Profile page.
For an example of a playlist you can look at the following profile
Member Functions: Edit Contact Info
Choosing this feature will allow you to view all of the contact information you entered into your contact information page. You can change your contact info anytime it is necessary.
Be sure to click the SAVE CHANGES tab at the bottom of the page when you have finished.
Member Functions: Message Center
This feature lists all the emails you have received (IN BOX) as well as those you have sent (OUT BOX) through this web site. Your messages will remain in their respective boxes until you delete them.
A KEY at the top of both the IN BOX and OUT BOX shows symbols representing the status of an email. You will find one of these symbols to the left of each email listed.
Each listed email shows: (1). A box to check, (2). Its status; (3). Either who sent it to you (IN BOX) or who you sent it to (OUT BOX), (4). Subject and date of email, and (5). A red "X."
In both the IN BOX and OUT BOX settings, clicking on sender's name brings up that person's profile page and clicking on the subject brings up the actual email.
Clicking inside the box on the far left or on the red "X" on the far right, will turn the background red. This means that the email can be deleted by choosing the tab at the bottom of the page that says DELETE CHECKED THREAD.
Member Functions: Edit Contact Info
Choosing this feature will allow you to view all of the contact information you entered into your contact information page. You can change your contact info anytime it is necessary.
Required fields of entry are:
1. First Name
2. Last/Maiden Name
3. Primary Email. Enter email address. Email address also serves as site
login address.
Optional fields are:
1. Alternate Email(s). Enter 1 or more email addresses, if you would like to receive duplicate copies of emails sent through the web site. If you only want 1 copy, leave these fields blank. Please note, only your primary email address can be used to log into the web site.
2. Street Address. Your street address is visible only to the Site Administrator and is hidden from your Classmates unless you specifically choose to share this information in your Profile area.
3. Street Address 2. Same street address privacy rules above apply to this field.
4. City
5. State/Province
6. Country
7. Zip/Postal Code
8. Telephone. NNN-NNN-NNNN
9. Cell Phone. NNN-NNN-NNNN
10. Birthday
11. Receive Emails
Note that we will never use personal information for anything other than contacting you regarding issues directly related to the Great Bend High School Class Of 1975 web site.
Be sure to click the SAVE CHANGES tab at the bottom of the page when you have finished.
Member Functions: Edit Profile
Choosing this feature will allow you to change the information that shows on your profile page. Be sure to click the SAVE CHANGES tab at the bottom of the page when you have finished. You have the following controls over your profile:
Profile Visibility: Allow only fellow Classmates to view my Profile details. This will block the public and search engines from accessing your Profile. Leave this box unchecked if you wish to allow the public (friends, co-workers, family members, etc.) to view your Profile details.
Contact Details: Allow Classmates to see my address and phone number (this information is hidden from your Classmates unless you check this box).
Birthday: Allow Classmates to view my Birthday. This option allows Classmates to see your Date of Birth in your Profile and on the home page 30 days prior to your Birthday.
Classmate Comments: Allow Classmates to enter comments under my Profile. (Most users opt to leave this feature on. You have the ability to edit or delete any comments left under your Profile.)
Member Functions: Edit/Upload Photos
To add photos to your profile you must be able to locate exactly where the picture is on your computer. Most of the time, it will be in the folder titled MY PICTURES. Follow the directions further up on this page for adding, deleting, and editing photos.
Member Functions: Post Announcement
When you have information you think would be of interest to classmates, you can create your own announcement. The announcement will be forwarded to the administrator who will make it go live on the Home Page.
Member Functions: Profile Subscriptions
Place a checkmark next to each Classmate you wish to keep track of. When the Classmates you have selected update their profiles you will be notified via email. It's a great way to keep track of your friends
You can also subscribe to Classmates who have not yet joined the site, which will generate an email to you when the Classmate joins.
Subscribing to Profiles will also notify you when a Classmate has an upcoming Birthday.
Member Functions: Change Password
If you wish to change your password, click on CHANGE PASSWORD under Member Functions. A page with 3 sections for you to fill in will appear.
Member Functions: Log Out
The majority of our users select the "stay logged in" option when they log in. Therefore, they will always be logged onto the site until they click the LOG OUT link under Member Functions.
When somebody selects the option to stay logged in, our system allows the user to bypass the login screen when they come back to the site. If you LOG OUT, the next time you will need to enter your email address and password to get into the site. Also, if you access the site from a different computer (for example a laptop), you will need to reenter your email address and password next time you use your main computer.
If you forget your password, click on the forgot password below your log-in email name, and it will be emailed to you.
Forums are intended for reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, sharing memories and stories, as well as current interests. So let’s be courteous to everyone on our website.
Flash Player not currently supported on 64-bit operating systems
Adobe Flash Player is not supported for playback in a 64-bit browser. However, you can run Flash Player in a 32-bit browser running on a 64-bit operating system.
Adobe is working on Flash Player support for 64-bit platforms as part of their ongoing commitment to the cross-platform compatibility of Flash Player. They expect to provide native support to 64-bit platforms in an upcoming release of Flash Player following release of Flash Player 10.1
In order to participate in Instant Messaging the only requirement is that you have the latest version of the Adobe Flash player. If anyone you're attempting to chat with is having trouble with the Instant Messaging feature, they should go to www.adobe.com and upgrade to the latest version of the Flash player.
The Members Online panel is positioned to the lower right of the web site. It can be expanded by clicking anywhere in the title (top bar) area. Clicking the title area again will minimize the window. To chat privately with a fellow member simply click his or her name in the Members panel. Each Member's name you click on will spawn a private messaging window as seen below. You can open up to 4 private messaging windows at any 1 time.
Chatting with another member is simple: Click your mouse anywhere in the bottom region of the window to enter your message then press your <Enter> key to send the message. That's all there is to it — you can now easily chat with fellow members as you browse the site.
SCREEN RESOLUTION: For best results use a screen resolution with width of 1280 pixels or greater. Any of today's wide screen monitors will have at least a 1280 resolution. At this size the Members panel will never cover any site content. If you are using a smaller screen resolution the Members panel will cover site content, but it can be easily minimized or closed completely by clicking the X in the upper right corner.
YOUR PHOTO: Your "Master Photo" is displayed at the top of the Members panel. All messages in the chat window are also preceded by your Master Photo. If you have no Master Photo you will see a default image. Your Master Photo cannot be set from within the Instant Messaging interface. To set your Master Photo click on the Edit/Upload Photos link on the web site and follow the directions on screen.
SEARCH FOR MEMBERS: If there are many members logged in at the same time, you can quickly search for members by clicking "Search for members" in the Members Panel and entering the first few letters of the member's name.
SOUNDS: A sound will be heard whenever a new member logs into the web site. Another sound will be heard every time a member sends you an instant message through the web site. Sounds can be disabled by clicking the speaker icon in the Members panel.
Has not typed anything for 5 or more minutes
Member is currently typing
Should you forget what the icons mean, hover your mouse pointer over them and the member's status will expand like this:
TIP: Hovering over a member's name will pop up a window allowing you to quickly jump to the member's Profile page.
PRIVATE CHAT: Clicking the "Private Chat" button in the tool bar allows you to jump to a larger private chat environment that allows the sharing of photos, webcam feeds, and YouTube videos. You can also invite additional members to the private chat. You can start as many Private Chat sessions as you'd like (as long as you can keep up)!
CHANGING YOUR STATUS: At times you may not wish for members to see you online. In the Members Panel you can change your status to any of the following:
Online: You are currently available and accepting Instant Messages.
Away: You are online, but not currently at your computer.
Do Not Disturb: You are online but wish to block incoming Instant Messages.
Can I turn off my Instant Messaging (IM) feature temporarily? Yes. Click on the ‘X’ in the upper right hand corner of the IM Member online. You will get a pop-up saying: “You are about to turn off the Instant Messaging Feature. If you wish to turn it back on, simply close your browser and come back to our website.” Once you come back to our website, you might have to log back in.
DISABLE INSTANT MESSAGING: If you wish to completely turn off the Instant Messaging feature you can do so by clicking on the Edit Profile link and deselecting "Allow other members to send me Instant Messages through the web site." If you disable the Instant Messaging feature your status will automatically be set to Invisible, no other members will see you online, and you will also no longer see any other members currently logged into the web site.
Can the IM window be moved? No. It works best along the bottom of the screen. You can launch up to 4 IM windows at any one time. Although these windows do pop up in front of site content, they can be easily minimized or closed. You have full control over what IM windows appear and when.
Can I start more than ONE (1) Private Chat? Sure you can. You can be in unlimited simultaneous Private Chats; if you can keep up with it.
Will IM work on my iPhone or Smartphone? No. Most don't support Flash to this day. At least for the moment, if you want to IM you'll need to use a regular computer. We are working on a non flash version.
LIVE CHAT INSTRUCTIONS In order to participate in this Live Chat the only requirement is that you have the latest version of the Adobe Flash player. If anyone you're attempting to chat with is having trouble loading the Live chat, they should go to www.adobe.com and upgrade to the latest version of the Flash player. PANELS DESCRIPTION